Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Placenta eating and other strange things I'm considering....

     I hope that I captured your attention with the title, but it's more than an attention grabber.
I've been busy reading all of the pamphlets at my midwife's office and I've come across some things that I've never even heard of before and that sound like something out of a science fiction movie...eating the placenta, mother roasting, belly binding...yet the more I read and research, the more intrigued I become. Having a baby is kind of an important thing, the way your delivery goes can affect that new human being for the rest of their life, as well as set a tone for how you view that new human and your new role as a parent. Also, having a first child is a girl's coming-into-womanhood and right of passage, which I think means that she should be celebrated with a party and pampering and cake. Don't you think? So hopefully your curiosity is sparked too and try to bear with me while I explain these things that I am seriously (SERIOUSLY?) considering.

Placenta Eating:
What is the placenta?
The placenta is this flattened round organ that nourishes your baby while it's in the womb.
And, you're welcome. I picked a less bloody picture.

After you birth the baby, the placenta is birthed because you don't need it hanging out in your womb anymore.
Placenta consumption is nothing new in other cultures.  The Chinese have been practicing this health benefit for 5000 years.  
The practice of eating your placenta after birth is called placentophagy. The placenta contains beneficial hormones, proteins, and iron to help with postpartum healing. Consuming your placenta is a wonderful way to reap the benefits that this amazing organ has to offer!
In addition to having an easier postpartum recovery overall, some of the reported health benefits of placentophagy are:
* Lower rates of postpartum depression and “baby blues”
* Increased breastmilk supply
* Less postpartum bleeding
* Quicker return to pre-pregnancy uterine size
* An increased libido

The things that make this possible are:
1. Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone: These hormones contribute to mammary gland development which is needed to prepare your body for lactation. They help to stabilize your mood and decrease depression. They are beneficial in regulating afterbirth contractions (also called “after pains”). They are also helpful in stimulating your libido which commonly goes down after pregnancy and during lactation.
2. Oxytocin: This hormone helps to decrease postpartum pain and bleeding. It also increases bonding between mother and baby while encouraging a good breastfeeding “let down” reflex.
3. TSH: This hormone helps to regulate your thyroid and increase your energy levels.
4. Cortisone: This hormone plays a role in reducing inflammation as well as promoting postpartum healing.
5. Iron: The iron in placenta is very effective in replenishing maternal iron stores after birth so that you do not become anemic. Higher levels of iron mean increased energy which is always a benefit!
6. Prostaglandins: They help in regulating uterine contractions after birth, which helps the uterus to shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size faster.
7. IgG: These are immunoglobulins which help to improve your immune system.
8. Human Placental Lactogen: This hormone has lactogenic effects which helps to prepare the body for breastfeeding. It also helps to regulate your glucose, protein, and fat levels.
9. Interferon: It is helpful in triggering your immune system to help fight off infection.
10. Placental Opioid Enhancing Factor: This hormone stimulates endorphins and other natural opioids to help decrease pain in the postpartum time.
11. Urokinase Inhibiting Factor: This is important in helping to reduce bleeding, as well as promoting maternal healing.

But unlike the Chinese of ancient day, new mothers don't just pick up the placenta and eat it raw because that is just ew. Instead, the nice lady comes and takes it away and the next day you get a pill bottle with these capsules in it and you just take one a day with the rest of your vitamins! :D
Mother Roasting:
The practice of covering a new mom in delicious seasonings and putting her in the oven.
I'm kidding. I don't know why they use the word "roasting". If I were the official namer of all things I would call it "Mother Pampering" because that is exactly what it is.
Every woman goes through a tremendous effort in birthing her baby.  In today's society she is expected to bounce right back to her previous tasks.  It's natural for others to gush over the new baby, but what about her healing? She has organs that have shifted out of place, and her body has been through the huge task of growing and birthing her child.  

So I found this brochure for this place called (don't laugh) Mountain Mama Sac
red Birth Services and they are the ones roasting the mammas. Here's what the brochure says:

Being a Mother Roaster equips me to assist healing your journey using natural therapies, and heat in different forms sealing and closing this chapter.  Herbs can decrease healing time of organs from 6 months to 6 weeks.  Nourishing foods, honoring ceremonies & a variety of practices are just a few ways to bring healing and closure to this birth.  Reclaim the beauty and glory of birth, a sorely neglected topic in our society.
 Their list of services looks something like this:
Mother Roasting-An honoring ceremony with a flower crown, ( I love flower crowns!)  your birth story scribed in a beautiful keepsake journal, herbal tea ceremony, Malaysian Bath with healing flowers and herbs, heated tuck in with warmed flax packs & herb infused oil rub down to bring warmth and healing, hot stone press or belly firming paste and Malaysian belly-bind.
Belly Bind- Heal and align your body quickly. Using a bellyfirming paste with organic herbs and Malaysian bind to restore muscle tone and organ health.
Vaginal Steams-​Vaginal steam brings heat and healing to the womb.  Using specific herbs brings fresh oxygenated blood, shrinking swollen tissues. Enhances healing of minor cuts and tears.  Tightens pelvic floor muscles, reduces vaginal infections & itchiness.  Promotes healthy fertility, regulating menses and supports healthy reproductive system encouraging healthy fertility.
And of course, Placenta Encapsulation.
To me, this sounds like the ultimate pampering treatment. I'm excited to birth my baby and I know that there is a recovery process that has to happen because birth is such a big thing, but why not help my body along with it's recovery with herbs and flower baths and pastes and steaming?
                                                I mean, how relaxing does this look??
Plus I don't know anything about herbal tea ceremonies but I love tea and I'm not above asking if we can have cake there too.
Of course, once again, my insurance covers none of this and here is the price tag that I'm looking at:
Mom roasting: (including ceremony, bath, belly binding, and rub down) -$160
Placenta Encapsulation-$200
It's like I'm throwing myself a really really nice CONGRATULATIONS you pushed out the human party.

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